Brand Watch Pregnancy – Zita West

ziThere is a specialist in the UK that many celebs turn to for fertility, pregnancy and beyond and her name is Zita West. A practicing midwife, acupuncturist and nutritional advisor, she has helped countless women and couples who have had little success elsewhere to conceive naturally and has coached many more through IVF or assisted fertility on to healthy pregnancies. She uses both mainstream and alternative techniques, to get the best outcomes.

Perhaps little-known to your average person, her clinic is to be found in Central London and she is a guru. Planning and preparation forms a huge part of the clinic’s philosophy, as does coaching for a happier and healthier pregnancy; making for a happier and healthier baby. For those not able to visit, they do Skype consultations too, but for those who just want a little piece of the action, I being one, then a brilliant option is to read her book, ‘The Zita West Pregnancy Companion’ – it’s my second pregnancy and I find that it has everything I need (have forgotten!), simply written and nicely condensed.

Another way to grab a small piece of her expertise is to invest in her supplements; they are tailored; from pre-conception to 0-12 weeks (Vital Essence 1), to 13-28 weeks(Vital Essence 2) and finally to 28-40 weeks (Vital Essence 3).

As a nutritional advisor Zita knows that what you put into your body greatly affects it and your growing baby. Her supplements go over and above what others offer and the quality is second-to-none. Along with the specific supplement for each stage, she recommends Vital DHA; something that Zita believes will ‘become as important for pregnancy as folic acid in the future’. It contains omega 3 essential fatty acids which, apart from supporting fertility and aiding healthy sperm production, is vital for brain development of the baby.

Her website is comprehensive, full of info. and a great place to start

Pregnantcitygirl- A Luxury Family Lifestyle Blog
