Best of the High St AW – Kid’s Fashion – Next

Each season I try to write a piece on my top picks for kids. There is so much choice out there that it can make the mind boggle. It’s fun dressing little ones but it can also be expensive. So, what I like to do is choose a few key expensive pieces from small, independent labels (buy them big, keep them longer, then hope to pass them on!) then buy the rest on the high street.

One store that I haven’t yet written about is Next. There is no particular reason for this, in fact, Next has some of the best children’s clothing on the market. They have an amazing offering. With a huge selection of looks and pieces for every occasion whether you need fluffy slippers or snow boots, dressing up outfits or a suit for a two-year-old – they have it all at very reasonable prices. It’s also very easy to shop there. ( I favour ordering online and if needs be, exchanging in store.)
So, without further ado, here are my faves for AW;

Lets start with outerwear. This 3-in-1 jacket is brilliant value and really versatile. The hood and sleeves are removable so it can be worn as a gilet. The fur trim on the hood is soft too, unlike some.

IMG_4898.JPGA cute matching bobble hat works really well too. Keeping ears covered and cosy whilst in the park collecting conkers!

To wear underneath; engineer coated jeans are very cool. Slim fit and great cut. Plus they are hard-wearing without being harsh on the skin.
699-138-G40sI’ve picked a couple of jumpers too. I love this one in maroon with a built-in shirt collar- it looks smart but is very easy to wear. Two other jumpers here have both been picked for comfort and wearability.

IMG_4899-0.JPG IMG_4896.JPGIMG_4904.JPGI love the colours and have picked these to go well with both trousers. See below for my smart trouser choice.IMG_4903.JPG

Lastly, but by no means least, a funky pair of desert boots.

IMG_4902.JPGMy most expensive pick is the cosy jacket, coming in at £34 but it’s really versatile. Jumpers and trousers are in the teens. It’s a no-brainer!
