Dear all,
Whilst I’m going through the ‘bad patch’ where I hardly have the time to eat, let alone entertain with witty prose! I am trying out a new format; photo of the day. So, amongst my fewer-than-usual ( only very impressive products/ places) reviews you will be getting a lot more photos, mostly of Baby Pregnantcitygirl aka Alexander. Please do let me know your thoughts. I don’t want to bore you all too much with photos of a ( very) cute baby! Yet to come this month will be reviews of my new nursery rocker by Nurseryworks, especially imported from California – a beautiful piece of furniture and hopefully a post on a birthing dress from Pretty Pushers which unfortunately arrived too late or should I say baby arrived too early! Anyway back to the breast now, I hear the call of a hungry boy. Ps also hoping to get away somewhere exotic very soon bravely with Baby PCG in tow of course. Will be interesting to find ultimate luxury the family way instead of the child unfriendly places we used to frequent!
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