I hate this blog!
I hate this blog. It was fun for a while but I’m starting to despise it. Maybe despise is an exaggeration but nevertheless, I’m fed up. Whether it be with the blog, its lack of overnight success (remember I can be a very overoptimistic optimist!) or just my mood in general . I may well be the most miserable mother-to-be in NW London – there , only a small exaggeration this time – I try to not be too monotonous. I’m bored. Still. I was bored last week and I’m bored this. Wild partying, drink and drugs all give you a false sense of happiness as well as the excitement that I crave and that I’m not getting now. Am I a lost cause? B is already getting worried that I’ll go back to my partygirl ways the minute the baby is hatched but I’m not so sure. Granted, I will party. Maybe once a month is the plan ( ‘is she mad?’ I hear all you new mothers saying to yourselves ! ‘ She’ll be too tired to even brush her own hair ‘. Maybe I will but I’m certainly looking forward to feeling more like myself again. I actually hope that a new , better, more content me is reborn with the new baby. Contentment being the operative word and one of the most elusive of all emotions.
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