This is a post from last year but just an update as ReLuma is now available in the UK. Brilliant news. About time we had a real advance in skincare.
Another glorious day of rain in London. Week 27, 13 weeks to go and things are becoming more real to me at long last. I think that I just about feel pregnant! Now being the time that my (once) petite 5’1 and a half(!) frame has an extremely large protrusion jutting out from the front, it’s no surprise really. It’s funny how obsessed with weight and size we are. I really thought that when I became pregnant that I would almost be like a different person. That I would change, grow up and just be so happy and ‘blooming’ and ‘pregnant’ that I wouldn’t care. In fact, I really expected a whole new pregnant me; an entirely different, more grown up, mother-to-be but no! No! No! No! Major preconception proved to be untrue. I feel exactly the same. I’m now moving the timeline on slightly for preconceptions and I’m thinking that once baby is born in November that I’ll feel more grown-up. I’ll be a real mummy then. I can almost hear your reaction! I know, I know. I bet nothing changes. Of course it won’t. As my mother once said to me only a few years ago, she still feels the same way that she did at eighteen (funnily enough she almost looks it too and she still has that sense of naivety that is so sweet). Continue Reading