This post probably appeals to many of you. Lots who don’t want to admit it and others like me who are happy to be honest about being pushy parents.
My premise is that I’ll be pushy, pushy, pushy as long as Alexander is responsive and happy. Any sign that something isn’t for him or that he isn’t happy then I back off ( it’s unproven so far but his happiness comes first – it’s a given).
I’m a linguist, a bad one I suppose but I have my strong points – my accents being one. It runs in our family – my dad was a brilliant linguist, mistaken for a native in France and Germany and he has passed on the baton to both my brother and I and to a lesser extent my sister (who has pursued other intellectual roads instead).
We have a French au pair as between you and me, I love practicing my French (don’t practice, forget all) and I would like Alexander to also learn French as he grows. I remember in school at 4 or 5 knowing quite a bit, so in hope of giving my Petit Prince a head start, I looked in to educational toys and more precisely, bilingual toys and here are my top picks: Continue Reading