Well, if there isn’t time for Mummy (note how I call myself ‘Mummy’ now- wasn’t expecting that!) to relax, why not spoil baby PCG instead! It isn’t as if he isn’t spoilt enough. No, if he cries he gets cuddles, if he’s bored he gets what he wants (to be cuddled whilst walking around looking at the newness of the world around him) and usually he doesn’t just have the attention of one adult, it’s probably two or three. Catering to his every whim, cooing and kissing and playing and peek-a-booing. ‘A little prince’, says his grandma. And he is. A gorgeous 24/7-pampered prince and I love him. So, with that said, to avoid the hairs, the plasters and the flotsam and jetsam of the local swimming pool and baby swimming class, (I have self-diagnosed OCD with regards to cleanliness!) we decide to take baby PCG, or Alexander as he’s known to his many subjects to YourBaby Spa in Kensington. The perfect place for a baby spa wouldn’t you say!? Continue Reading