Things I Love – Design Greats for the Kitchen

Today I’ve decided to branch out with posts. I’m going all arty! Quite unusual for me as although I know what I like, I wasn’t blessed with the artistic gene!
As a tentative start, I’m going with something close to my heart ; food and drink. More precisely, coffee. Coffee has become a religion. With people no longer content with a cup of instant, the market has exploded.
For our part, my family, notably Mr Pregnantcitygirl, has a penchant for Nespresso. The machine takes pride of place in the kitchen and get a regular daily workout!
‘What does this have to with art’? I hear you ask. Well, the art is in the accessories. Quality coffee needs to be sipped in style and the choice is endless.
So, without further ado let me introduce you to my first design greats for the kitchen; the Espresso Cup!
My choice being from two leaders in this field; Whitbread Wilkinson and Bodum. Both conventional, simple but beautiful and a far cry away from a cardboard beaker with a plastic lid!

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