‘Killer plant eats great tit!’ Seriously!
Well it is Sunday! Apart from the unbelievable news coming from Tottenham with the riots and the looting ( I know what I think but apparently my views aren’t ‘sweet’ and ‘fluffy’ enough so I’ll keep schtum) Mr Pregnantcitygirl found this on the BBC website. Interesting one for to educate the kids and probably the adults too. Who would have thought it, eh?! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-somerset-14416809
PS baby fine and happy, sleeping a treat ( myself and baby – no aches anymore) . The Dreamgenii pregnancy pillow that I bought and tried to use for a while was pretty uncomfortable. I know that every body is unique so I won’t completely dismiss it, plus it can be used for breastfeeding apparently, but it really didn’t help me sleep at all.
PPS I’ve just started tweeting, please, please follow me; I need all the encouragement I can get! Many thanks in advance! https://twitter.com/#!/pregcitygirl @pregcitygirl
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