A 4d, produced Baby scan DVD!! I’m so excited, I just had to post a quick one about this!
The time has come for another (better) look at Baby Pregnantcitygirl. By another look I mean a 3d/4d scan. For those of you not in the know these are the latest in technological advance in the baby scan world; the Rolls Royce of scans! You can have them done anywhere from 25 weeks onwards, the later in the pregnancy the better the result. We have had a few 3d scans done already, early on at the CRGH and one that I mentioned in a previous post privately at the Royal Free (we are so dying to meet the new addition that scans are the closest we can get for now, plus it’s lovely to see clear images). We still don’t know the sex, Mr Pregnantcitygirl was so adamant that just this once (there has to be a once or it just isn’t fair is it?! ) I’ve let him have his way. This way, I can continue ruling the roost for the foreseeable and unforeseeable future! I’m hoping that at the scan on Monday maybe the face will give it away, it hasn’t in the past though so far, annoyingly! We wanted something special this time so we have opted for the 4d scan offered by Cocoon4D in Wimpole Street; http://www.cocoon4d3dbabyscans.co.uk
This private scan clinic is owned part by the renowned Consultant Obstetrician, Gynaecologist and Fetal Medicine Specialist, Dr Darryl Maxwell of Guy’s and St Thomas’ Hospital, and the other part by Television Producer and Director, Peter Demetris which makes for a combined extra-special offering of the highest clinical standards with technology from the world of professional video production and print publication. This should result in innovative and more watchable 4d scans (I say watchable because lets face facts, when you try showing a scan DVD of your baby to your friends, no matter how close they are, It’s doubtful that they will be particularly interested to say the least!). Anyway the clinic has developed this technique that allows patient’s DVD to be edited while their scan is taking place which means that our 4D (ie moving rather than static 3d image) scan is going to be produced! Get that, Michael (Winner)! It’s not cheap – starting at £160- the competition isn’t much cheaper either though, but it’s our long-awaited first who deserves only the best who am I kidding? This is for us, not for him/her! Watch this space………….
ooooh, how exciting! I’ll be back to see how it went on monday! x
🙂 thanks, im going to post the video hopefully!